Outreach Career Center, A vocational training school for ex-offenders.

Chicagoland Prison Outreach provides training and education in various trades to the formerly incarcerated, with the goal of teaching self-sufficiency and financial support of the individual. Our Outreach Christian Center provides Christ-centered education for those who were formerly incarcerated. Students are referred to CPO by our staff or from outside agencies, including penal institutions. Once students are identified, interviewed and selected, they are officially enrolled in one of the vocational training programs based on their skill set and desire.


To help our students come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ, to grow in their personal relationships, and to learn a valuable skill that they may be able to find employment and care for themselves and their families.


To come alongside the formerly incarcerated and provide holistic spiritual care that will enable them to be godly citizens.

CPO Strategy

To identify vocational trades that are felony friendly and trainable. To identify the formerly incarcerated that would be best suited for vocational training program. To teach the word of God in such a way that it impacts the way are students view and response to life. To prepare our students for the workforce through job readiness classes and other life skills course that will enable them to be successful at home and at work.


We offer classes in Roseland and Evanston. All courses are available at our Roseland location. Our Evanston location offers carpentry classes. 

If you or someone you know would like more information on the Outreach Career Center or its various programs, please call our office at 708-331-3301, ext. 103 or email simon@cpoministries.org


  • Case Management: All students in the Vocational Training programs partner with a case manager, orienting them to the classes and working alongside the students to assess individual needs, as well as areas of support for them and their families.
  • Job Placement : Upon completion of one of our Vocational Training programs, students participate in a graduation ceremony and are partnered with a job placement leader. Students and staff work together to find and maintain gainful employment.
  • Trauma Coaching : Trauma coaches meet with vocational students on a weekly basis and can be scheduled in person or via digital communication.
  • Mentoring: Our mentoring component is for welding, carpentry, and woodworking and electrical and takes place on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.



Complete the form for the location you are interested in attending. Scroll down for Evanston and our general information form.

How Can You Help?
Your financial support of Chicago Prison Outreach empowers us to make a real difference. Help us minister to incarcerated individuals and their families throughout the Chicagoland region by donating to CPO!
Life Learning Program
Watch our videos to hear firsthand testimonials from former inmates, see how our ministries work and learn more about CPO!